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Notadusta rabaulensis 16.40mm. "Uncommon"#700899
Sale: $22.50
An F+/ F++ Notadusta rabaulensis 16.40mm Schilder,1960 Tangle nets at 90-110 meters in 2010. Aliguay, Mindanao Island.
Max: 1
Chama Lazarus 3 3/4” or 95.11mm."Just Lovely"#700898
Sale: $21.00
And F+/ F++ Chama Lazarus 3 3/4” or 95.11mm. Linne, 1758-“EX-LG White”Collected by local diver at 18-20 meters in 2009. Bohol Island, Philippines. Nice digitations.
Max: 1
Chama Lazarus 3 5/8” or 90.05mm."White Beauty"#700897
Sale: $18.75
An F+/ F++ Chama Lazarus 3 5/8” or 90.05mm. Linne, 1758-“LG White”Collected by local diver at 18-20 meters in 2009. Bohol Island, Philippines. Nice digitations.
Max: 1
Rochia nilotica 117.60 high x 122.71mm."Natural"#700895
Sale: $33.75
An F+/Near F++ Rochia nilotica 117.60 high x 122.71mm. Linne, 1767 Collected by fishermen in 1980. Cebu, Mactan Island.
Max: 1
Nautilus pompilius 6 ¾” or 171mm. "Decorative"#700888
Sale: $30.00
Nautilus pompilius 6 ¾” or 171mm. Linne, 1758-Decorative Caught by local fishermen and diver at various depths in 2000. Mactan Island, Cebu, Philippines. Collected prior to the ban on this species. Now on the endangered list. Cannot be shipped out of the USA unless an overseas customer is willing to accept the responsibility that they might lose thew shell in customs. Very Decorative this one has been edged and sanded.
Max: 1
Chicoreus stephensae 2” or 51.85mm."Superb"#700885
Sale: $26.25
Chicoreus stephensae 2” or 51.85mm. Petuch, 1994.-Superb “Dwarf”Collected in the Pinecrest Member (Petuch Unit 7) of the Tamiami Formation in the 1980’s Apac Pit, Sarasota County, Sarasota, Florida. Piacenzian Pliocene 3.0-3.4 M.Y.A. Collector: Melanie Briskin. This is the true specimen as it only has 5 varices on the main body whorl.
Max: 1
Harpulina lapponica 2 ¾” or 68,41mm. "Lovely" #700882
Sale: $10.50
An F+++/NG Harpulina lapponica 2 ¾” or 68,41mm. Linne, 1767 Trawled at 40-60 meters deep by local boats in 1992, Cuddalore, SE India.
Max: 1
Lyncina ventriculus 1 7/8” or 48.13mm. "Lovely"#700881
Sale: $15.00
An F+/Mostly F++Lyncina ventriculus 1 7/8” or 48.13mm. Lamarck, 1810 Taken by diver on coral reef at 15 -20 meters. Batan Island, Albay, Lagonoy Gulf, Philippines.
Max: 1
Murex (Murex) tenuirostrum 3 ¾” or 94.53mm. w/o#700877
Sale: $8.25
An F+Murex (Murex) tenuirostrum 3 ¾” or 94.53mm. w/o Lamarck, 1822. Collected by a local diver at 25-30 meters in 2009. Zamboanga, Mindanao Island, Philippines.
Max: 1
Lindaconus jeremyi 1 5/8” or 40.68mm."Superb"#700875
Sale: $37.50
Lindaconus jeremyi 1 5/8” or 40.68mm. Petuch, 1994-Extinct Ultra Superb Collected in the Golden Gate Member (Petuch Unit 2 Equivalent) of the Tamiami Formation in the 1970’s. Mule Pen Quarry, Collier County, Naples, Florida. Piacenzian Pliocene 2.58-3.0 M.Y.A. Collector: To be furnished to the Buyer of the fossil. One of the finest we have had with spots visible under UV light and perfect Spiral cords going around this fossil conus.
Max: 1
Hystrivasum lindae 4” or 101.92mm."Superb"#700872
Sale: $56.25
H ystrivasum lindae 4” or 101.92mm. Petuch, 1994- Extinct“Ex-LG” Collected in Fruitville Member (Petuch Unit 4, Lower Beds) of the Tamiami Formation. Quality Aggregates Phase#9. Sarasota County, Sarasota, Florida. Piacenzian Pliocene 2.58-3.0 M.Y.A. Collector: To be furnished to the buyer of this superb fossil.
Max: 1
Cribrarula esontropia francescoi 17.61mm."Madagascar"#700871
Sale: $15.00
An NG/Gem Cribrarula esontropia francescoi 17.61mm. Lorenz 2002 Collected by diver under coral at 5-7 meters in 2009. Fort Dauphin, Madagascar.
Max: 1
Neobernaya spadicea 1 ¾” or 41.81mm."Superb"#700870
Sale: $7.50
An F++/ Near-Gem Neobernaya spadicea 1 ¾” or 41.81mm. Swainson, 1823. Collected by scuba diver at 10 meters under rocks in 2014.Santa Catalina Island, California. Collector: Local Diver.
Max: 1
Hexaplex princeps 2” or 49.96mm. w/o."Dwarf"#700861
Sale: $15.00
An F++Hexaplex princeps 2” or 49.96mm. w/o. Broderip, 1833 “Dwarf”Diver collected at 18- 20 meters on rocky bottom in April ,2014.Manabi, Ecuador.
Max: 1
Chicoreus (Triplex) virgineus 2 3/4” or 67.14mm."India"#700860
Sale: $7.50
An almost F++ Chicoreus (Triplex) virgineus 2 3/4” or 67.14mm. Roding, 1798 Trawled at unknown depth in 1999. Cuddalore, India.
Max: 1
Contraconus arlinei 4 ¾” or 120.05mm. "Rucks Large Rare" #17542
Sale: $45.00
Contraconus arlinei 4 ¾” or 120.05mm. Petuch & Drolshagen, 2011-Extinct Fat Giant Collected in the Fruitville Member of the Tamiami (Petuch Unit 3) Kissimmee Facies in 2002. Ruck’s Pit, Fort Drum Florida.2,59-3.00 M.Y.A. Collector: Herbert Waldron with Dr Ed Petuch. 50mm wide!
Max: 1
Homalocantha anomaliae 4 3/8” & 109.18mm."FAKE" BEAUTIFUL#700849
Sale: $93.75
A “Fake” but in few collection Homalocantha anomaliae 4 3/8” & 109.18mm.Put together by Philippine Craft Artisans using different materials and pieces of other shells to create this large “Fahe Beauty. One reason one must be careful from buying from the Philippine fishermen without knowing their reputation is good. These were offered to an anonymous private collector years back. Ther are noy many in collections but
Max: 1
Siphocypraea daughenbaughi 2 1/8” or 54.76mm."Rare" #17534
Sale: $75.00
Siphocypraea(Lokossea)daughenbaughi 2 1/8” or 54.76mm.Berschauer & Waller, 2020-Extinct New Species variant Collected in the Golden Gate Member (Petuch Unit 3) of the Tamiami Formation on 11/24/19.Bonita Grande Aggregates Pit, Lee County, Bonita Springs, Florida. Piacenzian Pliocene approximately 2.8 M.Y.A. Collector: Melanie Briskin Ultra-Rare Some Gloss and some color and markings. Spots show on both sides characteristic of the
Max: 1
Trachyphyllia bilobata 2 1/8” or 52.55mm."Golden Gate" #17528
Sale: $16.50
Trachyphyllia bilobata 2 1/8” or 52.55mm. Wide Duncan,1863-Extinct Collected in the Golden Gate Member (Lower Beds, Petuch Unit 7 Equivalent) of the Tamiami Formation on 06/13. Bonita Grande Aggregates Pit, Lee County, Bonita Springs, Florida Piacenzian Pliocene 3.0-3.4 M.Y.A. Collector: Melanie Briskin.
Max: 1
Globivenus rigida 2 1/8” or 54.66mm."Golden Gate Fossil" #17526
Sale: $15.00
Globivenus rigida 2 1/8” or 54.66mm. Dillwyn, 1817-Fossil Collected in the Golden Gate Member (Petuch Unit 7 Equivalent Lower Beds) of the Tamiami Formation in 2014. Aggregates Pit, Bonita Springs, Florida. Piacenzian Pliocene 3.0-3.4 M.Y.A. Collected and identified by: Melanie Briskin. This is a rare whole pair attached together by matrix. A wonderful fossil for any collection. Extinct in Florida.
Max: 1